What makes a ‘Good’ writing ‘Great’?

Priyasha Prasad
3 min readSep 11, 2022

Good writing skills go a long way. Irrespective of the medium of publication or professional context, a good piece of writing will always grab the reader’s attention and convey the intended message.

I am an amateur writer and I am constantly working on improving my writing skills. So while I was on the lookout for some learning materials online, I came across a course on Udemy titled ‘Secret Sauce of Great Writing’.

I just completed the course and in this blog post, I will summarize the key points from the course. If you like the contents mentioned and are willing to go through the entire course for yourself, you can check out the course on Udemy (it is a free course and it takes less than an hour — details are provided at the end of this post).

Secret Sauce of Great Writing

4 Ingredients that make Good writing Great:

1. Simplicity

2. Clarity

3. Elegance

4. Evocativeness

Source: Created using Canva

1. Simplicity

Simplicity is the first ingredient that makes a piece of writing catchy. The writing actually becomes more sophisticated when the writer can explain complex concepts/information in the simplest way possible.

